Above: The will of Thomas Heuchan of Blairs, Kirkmabreck, Kirkcudbright, in 1671.
For those of you who enjoy a challenge, please feel free to try to interpret the squiggles and dashes that to my eyes constitute this will..in parts it honestly looks as though a chicken has had its feet dipped in ink and then let loose to dance upon the page. Some words are clear enough...for example, I can pick out several names:-
Patrick Heuchan
Joan McConchie
Jennett Pringell
Margaret Heuchan
Walter Heuchan
William Pringell
I think in one part it also requests Walter, Patrick and John Heuchan to share something equally amongst them, and in another mentions Jannet Heuchan daughter.
Some of these names correspond with the Heuchans named in the Coventers list of roughly the same time frame- John, Marion and Walter Heuchan in Blairs; Patrick in nearby Balhasie.
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