Above: Entry from the Kirkmabreck Parish Register that shows that Peter Hughan was baptised on October 30, 1804, the elder of two sons born to Samuel Hughan and Mary McKie of Balhasie near Creetown.
Peter married Jessie Forsyth of Kirkcowan, Wigtownshire,c. 1830. A marriage entry has not been loctaed, but their first child was born in 1831, so a marriage c. 1830 is likely.
Jessie Forsyth was baptised in Kirkcowan on April 11, 1805, one of twelve children born to Alexander Forsyth and his wife Agnes Martin. Alexander was a farmer of more than 1,000 acres at Caldarroch, Kirkcowan. His children were:
Margaret Forsyth baptised January 12, 1801, Kirkcowan
Alexander Forsyth: baptised February 1, 1803, Kirkcowan. Died 1818 aged 14 years.
Jessie Forsyth: baptised April 11, 1805, Kirkcowan.
Agnes Forsyth: baptised January 23, 1807, Kirkcowan. Died 1846 aged 39.
Mary Forsyth: baptised January 12, 1809, Kirkcowan.
Isobella Forsyth: baptised November 20, 1810, Kirkcowan.
John Forsyth: baptised c. 1813, Kirkcowan. Died aged 7 in 1820.
William Hamilton Forsyth: baptised August 26, 1814, Kirkcowan.
Jane Forsyth: baptised August 10, 1816, Kirkcowan.
Helen Forsyth: baptised February 23, 1819, Kirkcowan.
Alexander McGeoch Forsyth: baptised June 12, 1821, Kirkcowan.
John Forsyth: baptised January 31, 1824, Kirkcowan.
Alexander and his wife Agnes were both still alive at the time of the 1851 census.Alexander was 75 and Agnes was 72, and both were still living at Caldarroch Farm with their son William the only one of their large family still iving at home.
Alexander Forsyth died on June 7, 1855, in his 80th year. He was widowed at the time, so Agnes must have died between 1851 and 1855. His death certificate stated that he was the son of Alexander Forsyth,farmer, and Jannet McGeoch. He died of 'gradual decay and old age' at Grennan, Glasserton, and was buried in Kirkcowan Kirkyard.
Soon after their marriage, Peter Hughan and Jessie Forsyth moved down into England, where they settles at East Stonehouse, Devon, and began to raise a family. Peter's brother, William Hughan, also moved to the town of Stonehouse, and the brothers set up a drapery business.
Four children were born to Peter and Jessie while they lived at Stonehouse- Agnes Jane in 1831; William Henry in 1833; Alexander Wallace in 1835 and finally Samuel in 1837.
Their next child, Peter Hannay Hughan, was born in Minnigaff in 1839, indicating that the family must have moved back to Scotland between 1837 and 1839. Peter became a farmer at Meikle Carse Farm near Minnigaff, whilst his brother William remained at East Stonehouse for the rest of his life.
1841 census: Meiklecarse Farmhouse.
Peter Hughan/36/farmer/ born in Kirkcudbrightshire.
Jessie Hughan/36/ not born in Kircudbrightshire.
Agnes Hughan/9/ born in England.
William Hughan/8/ born in England.
Alexander Hughan/6/born in England
Samuel Hughan/4/born in England.
Peter Hughan/2/ born in Kirkcudbright
Mary Ann Hughan/ 7 months/ born in Kirkcudbrightshire.
Mary Dixon/governess/20/ born in Kirkcudbrightshire
Mary Cloy/20/female servant/ not born in KCB
Agnes Henderson/15/female servant/born in KCB
Alexander Forsyth/19/student in divinity/ nor born KCB (this was Jessie Hughan's brother)
By 1851, Peter Hughan had moved to Cults farm at Sorbie in Wigtownshire.
Cults farm, Sorbie, Wigtown.
Peter Hughan/head/46/ farming 300 acres employing 12 men/ born Kirkmabreck
Jessie Hugham/ wife/ born Kirkcowan
Alexander Hughan/son/16/ scholar/ born England
Samuel Hughan/14/son/scholar/born England
Peter Hughan/son/12/scholar/born Kirkmabreck
Mary Ann Hughan/daughter/10/scholar/born kirkmabreck
John Hughan/son/8/scholar/born Kirkmabreck
Andrew Hughan/son/ 11 months/ born Sorbie
Plus a dairy maid, a cook, a nurse and a farm servant.
Their eldest son, 18 year old William Henry Hughan, was missing from the family group in the 1851 census because he was living in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne with the McKeand family. Head of the family was Scotsman Andrew McKeand, a draper employing three men, including William Hughan as an apprentice.William's sister, Agnes Hughan, was also staying with the family as a visitor. Aged 19, she was classified as a 'farmer's daughter'.
Peter's son, Andrew Hughan, had died at Meiklecarse in April of 1849, aged only 11 months. When his wife Jessie gave birth to her final child at Cults, Sorbie, on 21 April, 1850, just one day after the first anniversary of their baby Andrew's death, they decided to name the new child after his brother-Andrew McKeand Hughan.
In 1861,the family was still farming Cults farm:
Cults Farmhouse, Sorbie.
Peter Hughan/head/56/ farmer of 389 acres employing 14 labourers and 4 boys/born Kirkmabreck
Jessie Hughan/wife/56/ born Kirkcowan
Peter H. Hughan/son/single/22/ born Creetown
Marianne Hughan/daughter/20/born Minnigaff
John F. Hughan/son/18/born Minnigaff
Andrew McK Hughan/son/10/scholar/born Sorbie.
Plus two female domestic servants.
Peter Hughan appears in a census return for the last time in 1871;
Cults farm, Sorbie.
Peter Hughan/head/66/farmer of 389 acres of which 347 is arable, employing nine women, four men and three boys/ born Kirkmabreck
Jessie Hughan/wife/65/ farmer's wife/ born Kirkcowan
Peter Hannay Hughan/32/single/farmer's son/born Minnigaff
Annie Hughan/daughter/single/30/ farmer's daughter/ born Minnigaff
Andrew Mckeand Hughan/son/20/farmer's son/born Sorbie
Plus a cook, a domestic servant and a farm servant.
Two of Peter's sons, Samuel and Alexander Wallace, had emigrated to America and established lives there.Daughter Agnes had married draper James Mckeand and raised a family in Newcastle On Tyne. Son William Henry Hughan moved around looking for his place in the world...he lived in Newcastle, emigrated for a short time to Australia then returned to Scotland before emigrating to Manitoba, Canada.
That only left sons Peter Hannay, John Forsyth and Andrew Mckeand living in Wigtownshire at the time of Peter Hughan's death. He died at Cults, Sorbie, of heart disease on March 9, 1877, aged 72 years.
Son John Forsyth Hughan died two years later of phthisis pulmonalis (T.B.).He died at Cults on March 7, 1879, and his occupation was given as 'annuitant', indicating that he was living on benefits received from his father's will.
Peter Hughan's will was quite comprehensive. It began with an inventory of his goods and assets as compiled by his son, Peter Hannah Hughan, who had taken over the reins at Cults Farm after his father's death:
Inventory of the Personal estate wheresoever situated of Peter Hughan, farmer, Cults, in the Parish of Sorbie, who died there on the ninth day of March, 1877.
1. Personal Property.
1. Cash in the house at date of death 3 pounds 10 shillings
2. Household furniture, silver, plate and other effects in the deceased's house conform to appraisement by William Thomson, auctioneer and appraiser, Wigtown. 177 pounds 2 shillings 6 pence
3. Stock, crop, and implements on the farm of Cults which belonged to the deceased 2036 pounds 18 shillings 6 pence.
4. Balance of price of oats sold at Whitehaven but which was not received at date of death 8 pounds
5.Value of seventy bolls of oats sent to Liverpool but not sold at date of death, at 32 shillings per boll 112 pounds
6. Seventy pounds of the capital stock of the Portpatrick Railway Company-value at date of oath to inventory 90 pounds per cent 63 pounds; dividend declared since date of death 1 pound 4 shillings 6 pence Total: 64 pounds 4 shillings 6 pence.
7. Five shares in the Wigtownshire Railway Company at the price of 2 pounds 10 shillings at the date of oath to date of oath to Inventory 12 pounds 10 shillings.
8. Amount of sums advanced by the deceased to his son Alexander Wallace Hughan residing in New York 73 pounds 10 shillings
Interest thereon to date of death 4 pounds 10 shillings 2 pence.
To date of oath to inventory 78 pounds 12 shillings 5 pence
Note: Although the said Alexander Wallace Hughan has gone abroad his debt is given up as Scotch estate because by the Deceased's Settlement this debt must be paid before the debtor receives any share of deceased's estate.
9. Amount of sums advanced by the deceased to his son Samuel Hughan residing in New York 265 pounds 15 shillings 4 pence.
Note: Although the said Samuel Hughan has gone abroad his debt is given up as Scotch estate because by the deceased's Settlement this debt must be paid before the debtor receives any share of the deceased's estate.
1. Amount of
advances in loan by the deceased to his son William Henry Hughan residing in Newcastle On Tyne 317 pounds 17 shillings 1 pence.
2. Further sums advance by the deceased to the said William Henry Hughan in payments of Premiums of Assurance on Policy number 6137 with the English and Scottish Law Life Co on the life of the said William Henry Hughan 502 pounds 18 shillings 6 p
NOTE: The above policy was assigned by the said William Henry Hughan to the deceased in security of these advances but as the deceased held no other security other than the said policy this debt is valued at the surrender value of the policy being 161 pounds and 5 shillings
3. Sum advanced in loan by the deceased to his son John Forsyth Hughan 600 pounds
Interest thereon to date of death 7 pound 10 shillings
Interest to date of oath to inventory 5 pounds Total: 612 pounds 10 shillings
Total amount of personal estate: 3849 pounds 18 shillings 4 pence.
I, Peter Hughan, farmer, in Cults in the parish of Sorbie county of Wigtown having resolved to execute the present settlement in order to settle my affairs at my death do hereby give, grant , assign and dispond, convey and make over to and in favour of Mrs Jessie Forsyth or Hughan my wife, Peter Hannay Hughan my son presently residing with me, William Hughan residing at Stonehouse near Plymouth my brother, Andrew McKeand Esq of Airlies and John McMaster Esq formerly residing at Cairnryan, presently residing at Cults aforesaid and the acceptors or acceptor and survivors or survivor of them as Trustees or Trustee for the purposes aforementioned.
All and sundry lands and heritages presently belonging or which shall belong to me at the time of my death, debts heritable and moveable now due or which shall be due to me at the time of my death And I nominate and appoint my said Trustees to be my Executors.
But declaring that these presents are granted in Trust for the following purposes viz
Firs. For payment of all my just and lawful debts and funeral expenses and the expenses of carrying these presents into effect.
Second: I appoint and direct my Trustees at my death to deliver over to my son William Henry Hughan my gold watch and appendages.
Third: In the event of my death during the currency of the present leases of Cults (which although granted in favour of myself and my two sons William Henry and Peter for political purposes, belongs to myself)I appoint my said trustees to carry on said lease until the end thereof, and I direct my said son Peter Hannay Hughan to act, in that event, as manager therein under his mother so long as she survives.
Fourth: In the event of my said wife dying during the currency of the present lease of Cults then I appoint and direct my said son Peter Hannay Hughan to manage and carry on the farm until the termination of the lease thereof when my said Trustees shall pay or allow him in accounting with them the sum of one thousand pounds and that in full of any sum he can claim as salary or otherwise for his services on said farm until the end of said lease, and I declare that this sum is over and above any sums paid or allowed to him by me for clothing and pocketmoney.
Fifth: In the event of my said wife being alive at the expiring of the present Lease of the farm of Cults I recommend my said son Peter Hannay Hughan to take a new lease of said farm if he can do so on advantageous terms in his own name and if he does so then the stock, crops and implements of husbandry on the farm at the end of the present lease shall be valued by an appraiser to be mutually chosen by my said trustees and him, and he my said son Peter Hannay Hughan shall during his mother's lifetime pay to her or to my said Trustees for her behoof interest on the amount or value of said stock, crop and implements under deduction of the sum to be paid or allowed to him by the preceeding article of this Trust at the rate of five per cent per annum and my said wife shall further be entitled to the liferent of my whole household furniture, plate, bed and table linen in my house at my death as well as the liferent of my whole other means and estate.
Sixth: At the date of the death of my said wife or at the termination of the present lease of Cults whichever of these events shall last happen I direct and appoint my said Trustees to realise my whole estate and effects including the sums that may be due by my son Peter Hannay Hughan for the value of the said stock,crop and implements of husbandry, with the exception of the Policy of Assurance hereinafter mentioned and to pay and divide the whole residue and remainder thereof as follows: First, to pay a legacy of two hundred pounds sterling to each of my children Marianne otherwise Annie Hughan and Andrew McKeand Hughan; also to pay a legacy of one hundred pounds sterling to James Arthur Mckeand and Andrew Ernest McKeand my grandsons; but declaring that the legacy to Marianne or Annie Hughan shall lapse in the event of her being married before the said period of division shall have arrived, and in that case her legacy shall form part of the residue of my estate.
Second, I direct and appoint my Trustees to set aside such a portion of the capital of the residue of my estate, the interest of which shall be sufficient to pay the half yearly premuims due on the Policy of Assurance on the life of my son William Henry Hughan with the English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association Number 1137 assigned to me and to pay the same until the death of the said William Henry Hughan.
Third, after paying the said legacies and setting a capital sum aside as aforesaid, I direct and appoint my Trustees to divide the residue equally in seven shares among my surviving children: William Henry Hughan, Alexander Wallace Hughan, Samuel Hughan, Peter Hannay Hughan,Marianne otherwise Annie Hughan, John Forsyth Hughan and Andrew McKeand Hughan, but declaring that in the event of either of my said sons William Henry Hughan, Alexander Wallace Hughan or Samuel Hughan not having at the present period of said interim division paid the sums which I may have advanced to each of them respectively, or for which I have become security for them or either of them then and in that event such son not so paying shall not receive any portion of said interim division of my estate unless his seventh share shall exceed the amount of his debt in which case each of them shall receive the sum by which his said seventh share exceeds the amount of their respective debts.
Seventh; Upon the death of the said William Henry Hughan and on the Trustees realising the proceeds of said Policy of Assurance on his life I direct and appoint my said Trustees to ascertain the amount of the premiums and interest thereon paid by me and them on said policy and to pay the difference if any by which the sum in said policy exceeds the amount so ascertained as aforesaid to the children of the said William Henry Hughan and thereafter to divide the amount so ascertained as aforesaid or the free proceeds of the said policy in the event of the sums or amount so ascertained exceeding the sums in said policy and also the capital sum set aside to meet the premiums on said policy among my said children in the same way and manner as is hereinbefore provieded for.
That the children of the said William Henry Hughan shall receive the share (if any) which would have fallen to him had he been alive.
And I reserve my own liferent and power to alter or revoke these presents and I revoke all former settlements and wills executed by me .
Signed: 26 February 1876.
Witnessed: William Hughan, dairyman residing at Cults; William Hawthorn, Town Clerk, Wigtown.
Followed: Letter of Declaration by William Hughan of Stonehouse, 27 April, 1877. I decline the office of Trustee and Executor conferred on me by the Trust Disposition and Settlement of Peter Hughan, farmer, Cults, in the Parish of Sorbie dated 26 February 1876. Signed : William Hughan.
1881: Cults Farm, Sorbie.
Peter H. Hughan/ head/ 42/ unmarried/ Farmer Of 389 Acres Of Which 345 Arable Employing 6 men 4 Girls 4 Women & 2 Boys/ born Creetown.
Jessie Hughan/mother/75/ widow/born Kirkcowan
Annie Hughan/daughter/unmarried/born Minnigaff
Andrew McK Hughan/brother/30/unmarried/farmer's brother/born Sorbie
Ann Wild/visitor/72/annuitant/ born Garlieston, Wigtownshire
Plus two servants and a shepherd.
Jessie Forsyth Hughan died on December 1, 1881, at her Cults Farm, aged 76. Her cause of death was heart disease, seven weeks duration. Jessie's family erected a large granite obelisk in the Sorbie Kirkyard for herself and other family members:
"In Loving Memory of PETER HUGHAN born at Balhasie near Creetown October 30, 1804, died at Cults march 9, 1887. "Waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ"-1st Cor' chL:V7. Also of his daughter AGNES JANE MCKEAND who was interred at Elswick Cemetery, Newcastle, on January 4, 1862, aged 31 years.
South Side: Also of his wife JESSIE FORSYTH died 1st December 1881 aged 76 years.
Also of their son JOHN FORSYTH HUGHAN died 7th March, 1879, aged 36 years.
Also of their son ALEXANDER WALLACE HUGHAN died at Oakland, California, 14th April, 1888.
North Side: In loving memory of PETER HANNAY HUGHAN of 'Cults', died June 18, 1919, aged 80 years. Also his wife Elizabeth Taylforth Hughan died August 20, 1914 aged 46 years."
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